Ten Year Wedding Anniversary -
A Decade Worth Celebrating

Ten year wedding anniversary - now that's a pretty amazing milestone and definitely worth honoring with anniversary words of wisdom.

ten year wedding anniversary

An amazing 10 year anniversary gift needs to be rounded off with special words of celebration, congratulations and anniversary sayings!

You may also want to include a warm welcome poem to set the tone for the celebrations and a sample thank you speech to end the evening on a high note.

Here's to a decade of love - may there be many more!


Here's to a decade of marriage and commitment -

and a time to celebrate love, laughter and romance.


It's a time to reflect on ten years ...  spent next to each other,

neither one leading nor following,

but instead walking next to each other -

side by side

always there, always together.


Ten years have seen ...

many magical memories created,

memories to reflect back on in the years still to come.


Ten years have forged love as ...

challenges and adversity were faced in unity -

and ten years have cemented

love, respect, friendship, romance and passion.


May the next ten years bring  ...


Renewed commitment to each other,

ever deepening love and empathy,

continuing respect and devotion,

and a lifetime of cherished memories.


Happy Anniversary!


Looking for other great anniversary ideas? Have a look at free anniversary speeches - a personalized template to adapt to suit your speech needs.

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