Free Birthday Speech -
Creating Carefree Celebrations

Free birthday speech - exactly what you need right now for carefree celebratory birthday words of wisdom!


You may find your special birthday words in birthday card sayings - witty and wise and wonderful!

Or you may find the words of wisdom that you're looking for in great birthday wishes samples?

But, just in case you didn't - keep scrolling down - you'll find a universal birthday speech that is great for just about any birthday occasion.


Good evening family, friends and special guests,

What a special occasion this evening is and what a honor it is to say a few words as a tribute to [insert name] as we celebrate his / her birthday.

Larry Lorenzoni certainly puts birthdays in perspective when he says, "Birthdays are good for you. Statistics prove that the people who have the most ... live the longest!"

Now, I've been told that a successful speech needs to have a great introduction and a memorable ending - and that both of these should both be close together with not too much in between.

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, to reiterate what King Henry said to each of his many wives ... "I shall not keep you long!"

[Insert name] -

Tonight as we celebrate your birthday, we wish you a magical day that is profoundly happy and richly blessed.

We appreciate the special and unique role that you play in our lives - long may you continue to do so.

Please know that you are admired and loved by your family, as a special and caring friend to many and as a colleague of note.

Tonight we acknowledge how you are always there for us when we need you - through times of adversity and throughout the celebrations in our lives. Your strength, your caring and your support continues to brighten our days in so many wonderful ways - unfailingly, uncompromisingly and unyieldingly.

Without a doubt, birthdays can be humbling or liberating ; enlightening or a source of introspection; endured or celebrated with carefree abandon.

We hope that your birthday will be liberating, enlightening and celebrated with carefree abandon with those who love you and care about you.

For this is what defines you and always will.

Happy birthday, my friend!

Free birthday speech - your words of wisdom easily adapted for free 21st birthday speeches too!

So, "ce -le-brate good times, come on - it's a celebration!"

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