Retirement Toasts and Retirement Quotes
for Easy Retirement Wishes

Retirement toasts are usually proposed in honor of the retiree.

retirement toasts

Take this opportunity to pay tribute to someone special, to thank a valued member of staff who has made a meaningful contribution to the work place. 

[Please note:  retirement speeches on the other hand, tend to be presented by the retiree to thank and honor the company that they worked for as they say their goodbyes at their retirement dinner]

Your retirement wishes need to be sincere and acknowledge the retiree's role and contribution. Use the retirement toasts outline and template below to help structure and focus your toast.


 Mention the retiree by name and add a phrase to honor them and set the tone


 Briefly elaborate on when they joined the company - include a personal anecdote where possible


 Again - if relevant mention a key career milestone where the retiree may have achieved success as well

What & How

 Discuss what legacy they left behind and how they have left organization a better place


 Elaborate on why they will be missed - perhaps pay tribute to the "person" rather than work related achievements

These are just guidelines - trust your instinct and adapt and change the template to suit your needs. I have no doubt that you'll get it spot on!


Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen,

What an honor it is to propose a toast to [insert name of retiree] - a [gentleman / lady] of note!

[Insert name of retiree] joined [insert name of company] in [insert year] and I'm sure you have all heard the story of when [insert funny or touching story of their first few weeks or months]. It is stories like these, Ladies and Gentleman and countless others that epitomize the wonderful nature and contribution that [insert name of retiree] has made to [insert name of company].


We at [insert name of company] are indeed fortunate to have had the privilege of sharing [insert name of retiree]'s expertise, work ethic and commitment. As you may recall [he / she]achieved countless goals and accolades - too many to mention now, but allow me to share one such example with you. [briefly discuss a relevant career milestone or high point]

[Insert name of retiree], you have left a remarkable legacy behind and one which will remain with us for years to come. You are leaving [insert name of company] a better place than when you found it, and that in itself, will remain a lasting tribute to your professionalism. [mention three or four noteworthy innovation or special contributions that the retiree may have made throughout their tenure at the company]

We will miss you our colleague, a consummate professional, a confidant, a friend, a wise counselor, a shoulder to lean on, a visionary, a leader and indeed a [gentleman / lady] of note.

Remember us fondly and may the years that lie ahead be filled with laughter, happiness and even  more dreams achieved. This is our wish for you as we say "so long" but not farewell.

Please stand and join me in a toast to [insert name of retiree] [repeat name of retiree]

Retirement toasts need a personal touch. Do your homework - chat to colleagues to get a great retirement story or retirement quote!

As you address your audience, focus on maintaining effective eye contact, particularly with the retiree in question - speak to your audience and retiree - not at them. Ok - now you can toast yourself on a job well done!

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