High School Valedictorian Speech -
Good Luck And Goodbye

High school valedictorian speeches - go on... get the balance right!

high school valedictorian speech

Being invited to present a valedictorian address is pretty amazing. It certainly indicates that you are held in high regard - congratulations!

So, just how do you get the balance right?

Go for great quotes -

Go for aknowledgement of people who made a meaningful difference in your lives -

Go for a brief trip down memory lane -

Go for great go-getters and achievers in your school-

Go for it!


Good Evening Honored Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen and the Graduating Class of ________.


Confucius said, "Wherever you go, go with all your heart"!

The Graduating Class of _______ at  [insert name of high school] has certainly displayed a lot of heart and dare I say, even more "GO". We have gone from strength to strength during our high school years and personified the ideal and vision of going for our personal best...albeit, some more diligently than others perhaps?

This gift, this ability to grow and go from strength to strength was patiently fostered and consciously inculcated by a significant number of people - people that we need to pay tribute to and thank.

Our thanks and appreciation must go to the Principal, the Staff, our Parents and the greater School Community. You never hesitated, you never gave up hope on any of us, you realized that every journey begins with a single step. And so the foundation of our elementary school education continued - day by day extending further.

Sometimes you encouraged us to run and sometimes you needed to hold in the reins - yet all the while you encouraged us relentlessly forward culminating in tonight - our graduation ceremony. We are grateful and privileged to have had your valuable input in our lives - the true value thereof we may only fully comprehend in the years still to come.

Perhaps it is time to go on a brief trip down memory lane? What would a high school valedictorian speech be without it?

The following was written in response to a science question: "You can listen to thunder after lightning and tell how close you came to getting hit. If you don't hear it...you got hit - so never mind!" Perhaps not the most scientifically accurate answer, but there is a certain undeniable logic and creative flair to it. We certainly have had some memorable moments.

Who can forget.....[insert a couple of memorable anecdotes that the majority of the graduates will recall or relate to - as always the reminder to laugh with people and not at people]

Creative flair, quirky behavior and poetic license aside, [insert name of high school] is incredibly proud of so many achievers - achievers across sporting, academic and cultural spheres. We are proud to call so many go-getters our very own!

[highlight some successes-  individual or groups - and offer words of congratulations]

And where do we go from here? Very often, young kids with their simplistic view of life tend to say it best!

The following insight was overheard in an elementary class: "I'm not sure how clouds get formed - but the clouds know how to do it - and that's the important thing!"

I'm not sure how we will get to where we need to be, how we will achieve our dreams - but I do know that we know how to do it...and that's the important thing.

We will be going out into the world, each of us on different paths, following different dreams. May you have every success, may you work hard and play straight, may you hold your head high, may our paths still cross from time to time and may you go with all your heart!

High school valedictorian speech - the important thing is that you know how to do it...so go for it!

Visit our free high school graduation speeches for more great ideas to personalize and make your own.

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