Free Goodbye Speech -
Words To Say Farewell

Free goodbye speech - say a gracious goodbye that fits the mood, atmosphere and occasion.

free goodbye speech

Goodbyes can be difficult. 

In essence, farewells are a fond tribute, a lingering and lasting message that lets people know just how much they will be missed!

Have a look - our free written speech and words of wisdom for important occasions give you the insight that you need to present an amazingly appropriate farewell.


So many moments in life are marked by goodbyes - some happy, some sad and some bitter sweet. Take a look as we say farewell on a journey through life.

Many of the speeches can be adapted and personalized to suit most farewell situations. The message for a retirement speech or a graduation speech is very often universal and timeless.

Share our free speeches - find a speech that appeals to you and adapt it to suit your needs - or use it as a springboard to generate your own speech.

Sometimes all you need is a little inspiration!

One of the first noteworthy farewells is graduation day. 


Free graduation speeches - inevitable change welcomed.

Elementary school graduation speech - memorable days remembered.

Kindergarten graduation speech - well done to one and all.

Free High School Graduation Speeches -  Fitting And Fond Farewell Wishes

Preschool Graduation Poem - Let's Hear It For The Little Guys


Another memorable occasion for saying goodbye is as you near retirement.


Retirement Speeches - gracious yet great goodbyes

Retirement Toasts - pay tribute to someone special

Retirement Wishes - Say Goodbye Simply and Effectively

Retirement Dinner Speeches - A Chapter Ends...New Horizons Await

Retirement Speech Examples - The Final Ace Up Your Sleeve

Free Sample Retirement Speech - Take A Bow

Retirement Sentiments - Reminisce, Remember and Reflect


Funeral speeches the ultimate tribute as you say farewell to a loved one and honor their memory with respect, dignity and compassion.


Funeral Speeches

Eulogy for A Friend

Free Sample Eulogies - Sensitive Suggestions

Free Funeral Speeches - Inspiration To Remember


A free goodbye speech can be woven into your speech program after you welcome all of your special guests.

End the evening off on a high note as you remember to thank everyone for attending.

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